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Birds With The Longest Wingspans

Wandering Albatross – 3.7 meters

Also known as the snowy albatross, the white-winged albatross, and the goonie, this bird has a wingspan of up to 3.7 meters long. This makes it the bird with the unquestionably longest wingspan in the entire world. Their long wings allow them to fly long distances without getting tired, particularly by letting them glide on ocean breezes. This led to the birds being described as unmoving even as they fly across the sky. Scientists that tracked their flight patterns discovered that they can circumnavigate the Southern Ocean up to three times in a single year.

Contrary to popular belief, the wandering albatross is not purely white. Juveniles of the species feature a chocolate brown color that changes as they mature. Adults of the species have white feathers on their bodies and most of their wings. Their wingtips and edges make up the exceptions, having a black color instead.

Marabou Stork – 3.7 meters

Also known as the undertaker bird, this bird has a wingspan of 3.7 meters, rivaling the wandering albatross. This makes the Marabou stork the largest land bird in the whole world, at least in terms of wingspan. It also gives them a wide range, with the Marabou stork widespread across the entirety of sub-Saharan Africa.

The bird’s nickname references its appearance from behind — its wings giving the appearance of a cloak draped over a man stooped over a grave. This is further reinforced by the black feathers on the bird’s wings and back, although it has white feathers on the rest of its body. The bird does have a bald head and neck, with the latter featuring a ring of white feathers around the base. Juveniles of the species also have brown feathers instead of black, which darken as they age.

Great White Pelican – 3.6 meters

Also known as the eastern white pelican, the rosy pelican, or simply as the white pelican, this bird has a wingspan of up to 3.6 meters long. This makes it second to the wandering albatross when it comes to wingspan. Their wingspan helps them fly long distances, as shown by their migratory patterns. White pelicans in Eurasia range in the seasons between Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Northern China. In Africa, they populate the entire continent.

Its name also reflects its predominantly white coloration, except for its wing feathers, which feature a black coloration instead. The bird also has a multicolored bill and yellow legs, which stand out against its white feathers. Surprisingly, despite having a Least Concern conservation status, the white pelican enjoys protected status in the European Union.

Southern Royal Albatross – 3.5 meters

This bird has a wingspan of 3.5 meters, less than its cousin the wandering albatross, but longer than other albatross species. The southern royal albatross also features a predominantly white color but has black speckles on its mantle. Its wing feathers also have a black or dark brown color, while also having white speckles.

Despite their long wingspans, this bird has a surprisingly small range, typically staying within 30°S and 45°S. They also primarily nest on Campbell Island, although they also have a presence on Adams Island, Auckland Island, as well as New Zealand’s Otago Peninsula. That said, outliers of the species do fly long distances, traveling as far away as South America.


Ancient Egypt Facts

Located in the Sahara Desert, it would come as a surprise that Ancient Egypt would rise in such a harsh and inhospitable land. In fact, it’s for that reason that the Ancient Egyptians considered the Nile River as the source of all life. Without the Nile, the Ancient Egyptian kingdom wouldn’t even exist. We wouldn’t have the pyramids, the Sphinx, and many other legacies they left for us today.

Much of Egypt would be uninhabitable without the Nile. The river is home to many aquatic species as well as hundreds of terrestrial species that live along its banks. Many of the animals that live in and around the Nile are both feared and revered by the locals. Some of them were even worshiped by the ancient Egyptians. Practically everything important in Egypt is next to the Nile or quite near it.

Learn more surprising things about the oldest nation in the world. Check out these 50 Ancient Egypt facts.

  1. 01At its height, Ancient Egypt covered an estimated 1 million km² of territory in North Africa and the Middle East.
  2. 02It also had an estimated population of 5 million people.
  3. 03The Ancient Egyptians used either grain or copper or silver as currency.
  4. 04Workers typically earned 5½ sacks of grain in a single month.
  5. 05A cow in Ancient Egypt typically cost around 140 deben, or 12.74 kilograms of copper or silver.
The Ancient Egyptians never actually called their land Egypt.

The name Egypt actually comes from the Ancient Greek name for the country, Aigyptos, itself a corruption of the Egyptian name for the city of Memphis, Hikuptah. Instead, the Ancient Egyptians called their country Kemet. This literally means black land, referencing the rich black mud left behind by the Nile’s annual floods.

Together with the Nile’s water, this allowed Ancient Egyptian farms to produce big harvests, providing food for their people. This also stood in contrast to the dry deserts surrounding the Nile Valley. They called these “deshret,” which means “red land.”

Ancient Egypt had two major political divisions.

They called them Lower and Upper Egypt. Lower Egypt covers Nile Delta, while Upper Egypt covers the Nile Valley up to the first set of rapids at Aswan. In fact, the first Pharaoh’s claim to kingship came from his successful unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. This became referenced in the “pschent,” or the double crown worn by all Pharaohs.

It included the White Hedjet Crown of Upper Egypt, and the Red Deshret Crown of Lower Egypt, along with their respective animal emblems. A cobra represented Lower Egypt, while also symbolizing the goddess Wadjet. A vulture represented Upper Egypt, as well as the goddess Nekhbet, who along with Wadjet became known as the Two Ladies.

It took the Ancient Egyptians a century to perfect the pyramid.

Archaeologists can perfectly trace the development of the pyramid in Ancient Egypt, starting with the Step Pyramid at Saqqara. Built in the 27th century BC, priest and architect Imhotep designed and oversaw its construction for the Pharaoh Djoser. Imhotep’s success would actually lead to his deification after his death. As a matter of fact, over the following century, Ancient Egyptian architects and engineers would build on Imhotep’s work.

This led to the Bent Pyramid, built at the very start of the 26th century BC at Dahshur. Egyptians built it for Pharaoh Sneferu of the 4th dynasty. Continued improvement of the pyramid finally concluded with the perfected design of the Great Pyramid of Giza in the middle of the 26th century BC.


Types of Jewelry For Fortune Change

Most people wear good luck charms to bring fortune, fame, and prosperity. It acts as a protection against obstacles that one may meet in life. It may also remove any negativity that hinders one’s success.

What is meant by good luck?

It is a natural tendency for people to comment that a person is extremely lucky or unlucky depending on the nature of events that occur in a person’s life. When we describe a person as lucky, we are actually referring to the kind of favorable circumstances that are responsible for a person’s success in a particular area of life. Similarly, when such unpleasant events occur in a person’s life that results in some kind of loss due to unfavorable circumstances surrounding that person, we consider that person to be unlucky.

In short, good luck or fortune refers to all the favorable events in life that promote a sense of prosperity and happiness in one’s life. Good luck can be in the form of increased wealth, prosperity, and happiness resulting in overall happiness and a sense of balance leading to peace and harmony in life.
In this article, we will read about five different types of jewelry that are considered fortune changers.

1. Evil Eye Bracelet

The evil eye symbol is known to ward off and protect its wearer against any evil. Wearing any jewelry that has an evil eye symbol gives the wearer both strength and protection from evil spirits or bad luck. For instance, wearing an evil eye bracelet can protect its wearer from bad fortune.

2. Evil Eye Necklace

The evil eye necklace holds the same meaning as the evil eye bracelet. It protects the wearer from evil sights. In addition, it is a jewelry on the ladies’ necks as an attractive accessory. Due to its beautiful eye design, it is a popular choice among the ladies.

3. Promise Ring

A promise ring is a symbol of love that can be worn on any finger. This promise ring represents a couple’s commitment to their relationship. It is also a sign of hope for the future development of the relationship. It holds a different symbolism compared to wedding rings, however.

Promise rings are acquiring ubiquity among couples who have no thoughts of marriage or don’t want to at any point get hitched. They are worn as a symbol to show the world that they are more than just dating—they are in a serious relationship. To these couples, their own obligation to the relationship is significant, not the legitimate or strict condition wedded.

4. Fidget Ring

When you start fiddling with the ring, in order to calm your nerves, you’ll be aware of your anxiety and current preoccupation. Wearing a fidget ring makes one feel calm. Some people find peace while spinning their fidget rings.

5. Mother’s Ring

For a long while now, mother’s rings have become unquestionably well known. In addition to the fact that they are significant bits of gems that mothers buy for themselves, however, they likewise make an extraordinary gift, particularly when given to a mother by her kids or a friend or family member. This ring is an ideal gift for the young to show his/her affection for his/her mom.

Traditionally, the mother’s ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. Mother’s rings are not usually worn with other rings or jewelry. However, some women choose to stack their wedding and engagement rings together with their mother’s rings.


Empire State Building Facts

You can’t hear about New York City without imagining the Empire State Building standing tall in the background. A trip to New York City isn’t complete unless you visit this iconic landmark! But did you know that one of the world’s most famous buildings has its own set of intriguing secrets? Today, we uncover little-known Empire State Building Facts just for you!

First, are you aware that the original blueprint of the Empire State Building is located in the Observatory Experience? That’s the name of a museum inside the Empire State Building. In the museum is a gallery of multiple hands-on exhibitions that highlight the unique significance and history of the different parts of the famous building.

John Jakob Raskob, a businessman who came up with the overall plan for the Empire State Building, reportedly had only one order for his architects. It was to build as high as they could without the building falling over. The builders and designers did not disappoint. The Empire State Building was finished ahead of schedule and under budget. Unfortunately, it came at a tragic cost: at least five workers were killed during construction.

On a more positive note, in the ’80s, a thrill-seeking duo made parachuting off the observation deck of the Empire State Building an item on their bucket list! In April 1986, British daredevils Alastair Boyd and Michael McCarthy hid parachutes beneath their coats and purchased tickets to the Empire State Building. They then jumped from the 86th story observation deck. The pair safely landed on 33rd Street, more than 1,000 feet below. Authorities immediately caught McCarthy. Boyd got in a cab and fled. However, he quickly turned himself in.

Like what you read? Learn more about this iconic skyscraper, check out our collection of 40 Empire State Building facts.

  1. 01Without its antenna, the Empire State Building stands 380 meters high.
  2. 02Including its antenna, the Empire State Building stands 443 meters high.
  3. 03The Empire State Building held the title of the World’s Tallest Skyscraper from 1931 to 1970, until construction was completed on the World Trade Center.
  4. 04Following the devastating events of 9/11, the Empire State Building became New York’s tallest skyscraper until 2012, when the incomplete One World Trade Center surpassed its height.
  5. 05The Empire State Building has a total of 102 floors.

The Empire State Building stands in Manhattan.

The skyscraper specifically stands in South Midtown, on the west side of Fifth Avenue, between 33rd Street to the south and 34th Street to the north. The building’s entrances also depend on whether tenants or visitors want to enter the building. Tenants use entrances leading to the Art Deco lobby at 350 Fifth Avenue. Visitors previously used entrances leading to the Fifth Avenue lobby, but from 2018 onward, use an entrance at 20 West 34th Street. The skyscraper also stands as one of 43 buildings in New York with its own ZIP code, 10118.

Other iconic buildings stand near the Empire State Building.

Macy’s Herald Square, the biggest department store in the USA, stands at Herald Square along Sixth Avenue and 34th Street. Koreatown is also nearby, along 32nd Street between Madison and Sixth Avenue. There’s also Penn Station and Madison Square Gardens, along Seventh Avenue between 32nd and 34th streets. 28th Street’s Flower District also stands nearby, between Sixth and Seventh Avenue.

Plans for the skyscraper experienced several revisions before construction began.

The original plan called for a building only 165 meters high, but the first revision changed that to 198 meters. The plan changed again, this time to 264 meters before another revision added five more floors and an observation deck at a height of 320 meters. The final revision in December 1929 added a final 129 meters to the building with a crown and antenna. Between all the various revisions, records point to 15 various blueprints before a final version was approved for construction.

Its design also accommodated specific building requirements.

The 1916 Zoning Resolution required buildings to not block surrounding sunlight and allow some of it to reach the streets below. This led to the Empire State Building’s design of having steadily narrower upper levels. The building first narrows at the 21st Floor, then again at the 25th, 30th, 72nd, 81st, and finally, the 85th Floor.

Other New York buildings also competed at the time to become the world’s tallest building.

The 1920s saw the construction of 40 Wall Street and the Chrysler Building, standing at 283 and 319 meters tall, respectively. In fact, the original owners of the Empire State Building, John Raskob, and Al Smith, openly wanted to build a skyscraper taller than the Chrysler Building.

Many of the revisions to the proposed designs for their skyscraper resulted from the owners wanting to build and own the tallest building in the world. In the end, though, they succeeded, with the Empire State Building holding that title for decades to come.